The Laws of The Universe
Feel Alive Again
It’s hard to look back on the traditional education system you dedicated at least twelve years of your life to, only to realize that the fundamental skills with which to inhabit a human body and not implode with crippling anxiety or generalized dis-ease were fully omitted. That instead, you learned square dancing in P.E. and how to master a scantron sheet with your freshly sharpened number two pencil. Of infinitely greater benefit would have been to learn something literally known as the “Laws of The Universe.”
These concepts were historically taught in every culture and tradition dating back to ancient Egypt. However, our present-day consumer culture leaves us desperate for weekend recovery and if we’re lucky, we might earn a couple days of paid vacation each year. We are too exhausted to ask bigger questions about our existence, why everything is so hard, and how it could ever get better? The answers are found in these seven universal laws.
This offering is intended to rewrite your understanding of the world around you and how to co-create the life you dream of by bringing back your sense of personal power and to ultimately feel alive again.
- Content: Access to over twenty hours of digital educational content.
- Pacing: A Brain Break is offered between module lessons to give your inner-child time to listen to a story.
- Slow Down: I will be offering a visualization exercise with each module as a support to anchor and integrate the information you have received.
- Media Support: Suggestions are offered with each module ranging from books, documentaries, television shows, blockbusters to allow lessons to anchor to what we already know, creating a lasting web of knowledge.
- Music: THERE IS A SOUNDTRACK to the course. This is not a drill. I am SO excited. This will be a living playlist that I will continue to add to over time and constantly evolving.
- Movement: I'm a huge fan of spontaneous dance parties at the end of modules. Other modalities/resources will also be provided to introduce new concepts.
- Adventure: Following each completed module, you will receive an email "Breadcrumb" offer as an opportunity to leave your computer, go out into the world and apply some of these laws into your real life.
- Different Brains: This is all intended to cater to your unique learning style. Are you ready to start your Hero's Journey?
- Are you ready to find what you've been looking for?
We Are All Connected
While our world has offered the illusion that we are alone, it is simply untrue. We are part of an extraordinary web of ordered beauty. You aren't alone in this world. The world is MORE beautiful because you are here.
"I have been very interested in adding spirituality into my life but was unsure where and how to begin. This class gave a significant amount of information where I gained inspiration, knowledge and the tools to create my own personal practices. "
There is Order All Around Us
Have you ever taken the time to look at the mirrors in our world from the sub-atomic to galactic? We are perfectly formed. You can learn to see this magic around you. Life becomes a true joy.
"I loved your passion and your rich knowledge of these topics. Lord knows I will be pouring through your slides and notes for years to come as the timing of some of these teachings catch up with me. Your generosity was mind blowing as you shared so much of yourself and gave so many gifts! "
Follow The Breadcrumbs
With each module, our inner-child is given a gift of adventure. I take you on an outing to anchor your lesson in the real world. I challenge you to do the same.
Answer The Call
This course was designed as a gift. Just as Gaia offers harvests of nourishing food and healing herbs to soothe what is imbalanced, I am offering this healing modality to reconnect you to YOU. To bring YOU back into balance. This work is my true joy. If it calls, you know what to do.
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