Overall, gridwork is about spreading love and light intentionally to heal and enhance the Earth’s vibrational frequency, leading to personal and global transformation.
In this course, you will learn all of these factors, while also hearing a detailed account of my first grid working trip to Maui, and the striking lessons and blessings that unfolded as a result.
Integration of Gridwork Journey
I offer an often overlooked aspect to gridwork; the integration of these profound experiences when returning to your “everyday life.”
While some grid working experiences are smaller and contained to your local area, others create greater contrast in frequency that requires an adjustment period to order the information/codes that have landed in your field. This is a beautiful time to engage in rest, pausing to allow the absorption of all the magic Gaia has gifted you.
Why Gridwork?
Gaia needs us. We have been so disconnected from the planet in our capitalistic and material-driven systems that we have all suffered incredible emotional and spiritual illness that has resulted in physical deterioration as a mirror of this misalignment. We all need to learn to come into this harmony once again. We can heal ourselves and our Great Mother Earth.