What is Gridwork?

Gridwork is a calling, yet many don’t even know they are doing it every day! For those unconsciously drawn to places and spaces without knowing why, leaving the land and/or public places feeling lighter upon their exit, you are already working to heal the planet.

Gridwork is raising the vibration of the Earth (Gaia) through intentional (and sometimes accidental) energy work.  This practice aims to assist Gaia in her ascension journey by offering love and healing energies. Gridworkers are conduits of light, spreading positivity and healing wherever they go, much like spreading golden glitter with each step.


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We Are In This Together

This practice aims to assist Gaia in her ascension journey by offering love and healing energies. Gridworkers are conduits of light, spreading positivity and healing wherever they go, much like spreading golden glitter with each step.



Whether fully answering the call to become a Gridworker or merely dipping your toes in the glittery waters to see if it resonates, there are some key points that are helpful when beginning this work. In my course, I offer the following and more:

  • Divine Guidance: The practice is often guided by intuition and higher spiritual guidance.  
  • Individual Path: Everyone’s gridwork journey is unique and special, resonating with their individual purpose and path.
  • Heart Coherence: Achieving heart coherence is vital, as it connects and aligns one’s energy with the higher frequencies needed for this work.
  • Law of Vibration: Understanding how vibrations influence healing and Gaia's energy grid is fundamental, through what is known as “The Law of Vibration.”
  • Connection with Ancestors and Guardians: Respecting and working with the ancestral and guardian spirits of the land is crucial for effective and harmonious gridwork.
  • Integration and Play: Emphasizing the importance of flowing with the process and maintaining a playful, joyful attitude.
  • Abundance and Gifts: Committing to gridwork can bring unexpected blessings and gifts in return, fostering a deeper connection with the Earth and the universe
  • Beyond the Matrix: Unplugging from negative influences and chaos allows for a clearer, more connected experience with Gaia’s natural rhythms and harmonies.


Overall, gridwork is about spreading love and light intentionally to heal and enhance the Earth’s vibrational frequency, leading to personal and global transformation.

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In this course, you will learn all of these factors, while also hearing a detailed account of my first grid working trip to Maui, and the striking lessons and blessings that unfolded as a result.


Integration of Gridwork Journey

I offer an often overlooked aspect to gridwork; the integration of these profound experiences when returning to your “everyday life.”

While some grid working experiences are smaller and contained to your local area, others create greater contrast in frequency that requires an adjustment period to order the information/codes that have landed in your field. This is a beautiful time to engage in rest, pausing to allow the absorption of all the magic Gaia has gifted you.

Why Gridwork?


Gaia needs us. We have been so disconnected from the planet in our capitalistic and material-driven systems that we have all suffered incredible emotional and spiritual illness that has resulted in physical deterioration as a mirror of this misalignment. We all need to learn to come into this harmony once again. We can heal ourselves and our Great Mother Earth.